"use strict"; /** * Prepare html to correctly display inside tab container * * @param event - ui tab event 'show' * @param ui - jquery ui tabs object */ window.sm_prepare_tab_content = function ( event, ui ) { var panel = ui.panel || ui.newPanel, $pie_charts = panel.find( '.sm_pie_chart:not(.sm_ready)' ), $progressbars = panel.find( '.sm-progressbar:not(.sm_ready)' ), $counterboxes = panel.find( '.sm-counterbox:not(.sm_ready)' ); $pie_charts.length && jQuery.fn.smChart && $pie_charts.smChart(); $progressbars.length && jQuery.fn.smProgressbar && $progressbars.smProgressbar(); $counterboxes.length && jQuery.fn.smCounterbox && $counterboxes.smCounterbox(); if ( typeof window[ 'vc_prepare_tab_content' ] == 'function' ) { vc_prepare_tab_content( event, ui ); } } /** * Prepare html to correctly display inside accordion container * * @param event - ui tab event 'show' * @param ui - jquery ui tabs object */ window.sm_accordionActivate = function ( event, ui ) { if ( ui.newPanel.length && ui.newHeader.length ) { var $pie_charts = ui.newPanel.find( '.sm_pie_chart:not(.sm_ready)' ), $progressbars = ui.newPanel.find( '.sm-progressbar:not(.sm_ready)' ), $counterboxes = ui.newPanel.find( '.sm-counterbox:not(.sm_ready)' ); $pie_charts.length && jQuery.fn.smChart && $pie_charts.smChart(); $progressbars.length && jQuery.fn.smProgressbar && $progressbars.smProgressbar(); $counterboxes.length && jQuery.fn.smCounterbox && $counterboxes.smCounterbox(); } if ( typeof vc_accordionActivate == 'function' ) { vc_accordionActivate( event, ui ); } } function sm_numberWithCommas(x) { return Math.round(x).toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"); } ( function( $, window, undefined ) { // Equal Column on Mobile $.fn.smEqualColumnHeight = function( options ) { //$( '.vc_row.sm-eq-col-height.sm-eq-mobile' ).each( function() { var $rows = $( '.vc_row.sm-eq-col-height' ); $rows.each( function() { var $self = $( this ); var $cols = $self.find( '>.vc_vc_column, >.wpb_column' ); // reset column height $cols.css( { 'height': '' } ); if ( ! $self.hasClass( 'sm-eq-mobile' ) && window.innerWidth < 768 ) return; $( '.sm-stretch-container' ).css( {height: ''} ); // incase the row is in tabs or accordions... var $panel = $self.closest( '.ui-widget-content' ); var previousCss = ''; if ( $panel.length > 0 ) { previousCss = $panel.attr( 'style' ); $panel.css( { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block' } ); } // get max height var max_height = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < $cols.length; i ++ ) { var $col = $( $cols[i] ); max_height = Math.max( max_height, $col.outerHeight() ); } // incase the row is in tabs or accordions, return the previous css. if ( $panel.length > 0 ) { $panel.attr( 'style', previousCss ? previousCss : '' ); } // set max height $cols.css( { 'height': max_height } ); $self.smAdjustStretchingContainer(); } ); } // Parallax Effect $.fn.smParallax = function() { if( navigator.platform.match( /(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android)/i ) ) { return; } return $( this ).each( function() { var $self = $( this ); var $window = $( window ); var x_pos = $self.css( 'background-position' ).split( ' ' )[0]; var y_pos = 0; if ( $self.hasClass( 'sm-parallax-fade' ) ) { $self.children().attr( 'sm-parallax-fade', 'true' ); } $self.find( '.sm-parallax-bg' ).remove(); if ( !x_pos ) x_pos = '50%'; var $parallaxElement = $( '
' ).addClass( 'sm-parallax-bg' ).prependTo( $self ); // Calculate the background image height. var bg_img_height = 0; var img = new Image(); var bg_url = $parallaxElement.css('background-image').replace( /url\(|\)$/ig, "" ).replace( /"/g, '' ); if ( bg_url && 'none' != bg_url ) { img.src = bg_url; imagesLoaded( img, function() { bg_img_height = img.height; smParallaxResize(); } ); } $window.on( 'load scroll', function() { smAdjustParallax(); } ); var smAdjustParallax = function() { var $bg = $self.find( '.sm-parallax-bg' ); var curPos = $window.scrollTop(); var offset = ( $self.offset().top - curPos ) / 3; y_pos = offset / 1.3; $bg.css( { 'background-position' : x_pos + ' ' + y_pos + 'px', } ); if ( $self.find( '.vc_video-bg' ).length > 0 ) { $self.find( '.vc_video-bg' ).css( { 'top' : -offset + 'px' } ); } if ( $self.hasClass( 'sm-parallax-fade' ) ) { var offsetTop = $self.offset().top; var halfRowHeight = ( ( $self.outerHeight( true ) ) / 2 ) // half the row height + margin var offsetHalf = halfRowHeight + offsetTop; $self.attr( 'data-scroll-top' , offsetTop ); $self.attr( 'data-scroll-half', offsetHalf ); var j = ( curPos - offsetHalf ) / halfRowHeight; var $elem = $self.find ( '[sm-parallax-fade]' ); if ( curPos > $self.data( 'scroll-half' ) ) { $elem.css( 'opacity', 1 - (j) ); } else { $elem.css( 'opacity', '1' ); } } } var smParallaxResize = function() { if ( !bg_img_height ) return; var $bg = $self.find( '.sm-parallax-bg' ); if ( $self.outerHeight() > bg_img_height ) { var percentY = $self.outerHeight() * 100.0 / $window.height(); $bg.css( { 'background-size' : 'auto ' + percentY + '%', } ); } else { $bg.css( { 'background-size' : 'cover', } ); } smAdjustParallax(); } $window.on( 'sm-resize', function() { smParallaxResize(); } ); } ); } // Process row video background. function smInitRowVideoBackgrounds() { if ( typeof(vcExtractYoutubeId) != 'function' ) return; jQuery( '.vc_row' ).each( function () { var $row = jQuery( this ), youtubeUrl, youtubeId; if ( $row.data( 'smVideoBg' ) ) { youtubeUrl = $row.data( 'smVideoBg' ); youtubeId = vcExtractYoutubeId( youtubeUrl ); var $parallax_wrapper = $row; if ( $row.hasClass( 'vc_parallax' ) ) $parallax_wrapper = $row.find( '.sm-parallax-bg' ); if ( youtubeId ) { $row.find( '.vc_video-bg' ).remove(); insertYoutubeVideoAsBackground( $parallax_wrapper, youtubeId ); } jQuery( window ).on( 'grid:items:added', function ( event, $grid ) { if ( ! $row.has( $grid ).length ) { return; } vcResizeVideoBackground( $row ); } ); } else { $row.find( '.vc_video-bg' ).remove(); } } ); } $.fn.fadeUp = function( duration ) { $( this ) .slideUp( duration ) .animate( { opacity: 0 }, { queue: false, duration: duration, done: function() { $( this ).css( { 'opacity' : '' } ); } } ); } $( window ).on( 'vc_reload', function() { //console.log('reloaded'); $( '.vc_parallax' ).smParallax(); smInitRowVideoBackgrounds(); } ); /* Stretching Container */ $.fn.smAdjustStretchingContainer = function() { $( this ).find( '.sm-stretch-container' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var $col = $this.closest( '.wpb_column' ); var $row = $this.closest( '.vc_row' ); var is_mobile_view = $( '.content-area > .container' ).width() - $col.width() < 30; if ( $col.parent().hasClass( 'vc_vc_column' ) ) { $col = $col.parent(); } var $wrapper = $(window); if ( $( '.sm-wrapper' ).length > 0 ) { $wrapper = $( '.sm-wrapper' ); } //var offset = ( $( 'body' ).width() - $( '.content-area > .container' ).width() ) / 2; var offset = $col.offset().left + parseInt( $col.css( 'padding-left' ) ); offset -= $wrapper.offset().left; var width = $col.outerWidth(); if ( $this.data( 'type' ) == 'sm-stretch-left' ) { var st_width = offset + width - parseInt( $col.css( 'padding-right' ) ) - parseInt( $col.css( 'padding-left' ) ); $this.css( { 'left': -offset, 'width': st_width } ); } if ( $this.data( 'type' ) == 'sm-stretch-right' ) { //col.css({'width': width + offset} ); $this.css( { 'width': $wrapper.width() - offset } ); } // Get Max height of sibling columns. var max_height = 0; var columns; if ( $col.hasClass( 'vc_vc_column' ) ) { columns = $row.find( '.vc_vc_column' ); } else { columns = $row.find( '.wpb_column' ); } for ( var i = 0; i < columns.length; i ++ ) { if ( $col.get(0) == columns[i] ) continue; // skip the current column max_height = Math.max( max_height, $( columns[i] ).outerHeight() ); // Math.round( $column[0].getBoundingClientRect().height ); } if ( $row.hasClass( 'sm-eq-col-height' ) ) { // if equal column height $this.css( 'style', '' ); $col.get(0).style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0', 'important' ); var pb = parseInt( $row.css( 'padding-bottom' ) ); var pt = parseInt( $row.css( 'padding-top' ) ); max_height += pt + pb; $this.css( { 'margin-top': -pt, 'height': max_height, 'margin-bottom' : -pb } ); } else { var last_dock_btm_child = $col.is( ':last-child' ) && $this.data( 'dock' ) == 'sm-bottom'; if ( is_mobile_view && !last_dock_btm_child ) { //If mobile view $this.css( { 'margin-top': 0, 'margin-bottom': 0 } ); } else { if ( $this.data( 'dock' ) == 'sm-middle' ) { var offset_y = ( max_height - $this.outerHeight() ) / 2; $this.css( { 'margin-top': offset_y, 'margin-bottom': offset_y } ); } else if ( $this.data( 'dock' ) == 'sm-bottom' ) { var pb = parseInt( $row.css( 'padding-bottom' ) ); max_height += pb; var offset_y = ( max_height - $this.outerHeight() ); if ( last_dock_btm_child && is_mobile_view ) { $this.css( { 'margin-top': 0, 'margin-bottom': -pb } ); } else { $this.css( { 'margin-top': offset_y, 'margin-bottom': -pb } ); } } } } } ); }; /* Multi-scrolling container */ var min_width = 820; $(window).on( 'load', function() { if ( $( '.sm-multi-scroll' ).length > 0 && $.fn.multiscroll ) { var $ms = $( $( '.sm-multi-scroll' )[0] ); $ms.multiscroll( { navigation: true, navigationColor: '#000' } ); $( 'html' ).addClass( 'sm-multi-scroll-active' ); $(window).on( 'resize', function() { if( window.innerWidth <= 820 ) { $.fn.multiscroll.destroy(); } else { $.fn.multiscroll.build(); } } ); } } ); $(document).ready( function() { $( '.vc_parallax' ).smParallax(); smInitRowVideoBackgrounds(); imagesLoaded( $( '.vc_row.sm-eq-col-height'), function() { $.fn.smEqualColumnHeight(); } ); imagesLoaded( $( '.sm-stretch-container' ), function() { $( 'body' ).smAdjustStretchingContainer(); } ); /* Google Map */ $( '.wpb_map_wraper > iframe' ).addClass( 'scrolloff' ); $( '.wpb_map_wraper' ).on( 'click', function() { $(this).children( 'iframe' ).removeClass( 'scrolloff' ); } ); $( '.wpb_map_wraper > iframe' ).on( 'mouseleave', function() { $(this).addClass( 'scrolloff' ); } ); /* Image Carousel */ $.fn.smImageCarousel = function( option, value ) { $( this ).each( function() { var $this = $(this); var c_items = $this.data( 'items' ); var container_width = 1170; var show_nav = $this.data( 'show-nav' ); var show_bullets = $this.data( 'show-bullets' ); var autoplay = $this.data( 'autoplay' ); if ( typeof(autoplay) == "undefined" ) { autoplay = false; } else { autoplay *= 1000; } var $children = $this.find( 'img' ); var max_item_width = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < $children.length; i ++ ) { max_item_width = Math.max( max_item_width, $children[i].offsetWidth ); } max_item_width = Math.min( max_item_width, container_width / c_items ); $.fn.swipe.defaults.excludedElements = "button, input, select, textarea"; $this.find( 'ul' ).carouFredSel( { auto: autoplay, responsive: true, mousewheel: true, scroll: 1, prev: show_nav ? $this.find( '.prev' ) : null, next: show_nav ? $this.find( '.next' ) : null, height: 'auto', pagination: show_bullets ? { container: $this.find( '.bullet-controls' ), anchorBuilder: function(nr, item) { return ' '; } } : null, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, width: '100%', items: { width: max_item_width, height: 'auto', visible: { min: 1, max: c_items } } } ); $this.addClass('sm-ready'); }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ) } /* Accordion */ if ( $( '.sm_accordion' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm_accordion' ).each( function ( index ) { var $this = jQuery( this ); var $tabs, interval = $this.attr( "data-interval" ), active_tab = ! isNaN( jQuery( this ).data( 'active-tab' ) ) && parseInt( $this.data( 'active-tab' ) ) > 0 ? parseInt( $this.data( 'active-tab' ) ) - 1 : false, collapsible = active_tab === false || $this.data( 'collapsible' ) === 'yes'; // $tabs = $this.find( '.sm_accordion_wrapper' ).accordion( { header: "> div > h3", autoHeight: false, heightStyle: "content", active: active_tab, collapsible: collapsible, navigation: true, activate: sm_accordionActivate, change: function ( event, ui ) { vc_carouselBehaviour( ui.newPanel ); } } ); if ( true === $this.data( 'smDisableKeydown' ) ) { $tabs.data( 'uiAccordion' )._keydown = function () { }; } } ); } /* Tabs */ if ( $( '.sm_tabs, .sm_vtabs, .sm-pageable-container' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm_tabs, .sm_vtabs, .sm-pageable-container' ).each( function ( index ) { var ver = jQuery.ui && jQuery.ui.version ? jQuery.ui.version.split( '.' ) : '1.10', old_version = parseInt( ver[ 0 ] ) == 1 && parseInt( ver[ 1 ] ) < 9; var $tabs, interval = jQuery( this ).attr( "data-interval" ), tabs_array = []; // $tabs = jQuery( this ).find( '.sm_tabs_wrapper' ).sm_tabs( { show: function ( event, ui ) { sm_prepare_tab_content( event, ui ); }, beforeActivate: function ( event, ui ) { //ui.newPanel.index() !== 1 && ui.newPanel.find( '.sm_pie_chart:not(.sm_ready)' ); }, activate: function ( event, ui ) { sm_prepare_tab_content( event, ui ); } } ); if ( interval && interval > 0 ) { try { $tabs.sm_tabs( 'rotate', interval * 1000 ); } catch ( e ) { // nothing. window.console && window.console.log && console.log( e ); } } jQuery( this ).find( '.sm_tab' ).each( function () { tabs_array.push( this.id ); } ); jQuery( this ).find( '.sm_tabs_nav a' ).click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); /* if ( old_version ) { $tabs.sm_tabs( "select", jQuery( 'a', this ).attr( 'href' ) ); } else { $tabs.sm_tabs( "option", "active", jQuery( this ).index() ); }*/ return false; } ); jQuery( this ).find( '.sm_prev_slide a, .sm_next_slide a' ).click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( old_version ) { var index = $tabs.tabs( 'option', 'selected' ); if ( jQuery( this ).parent().hasClass( 'sm_next_slide' ) ) { index ++; } else { index --; } if ( index < 0 ) { index = $tabs.tabs( "length" ) - 1; } else if ( index >= $tabs.tabs( "length" ) ) { index = 0; } $tabs.tabs( "select", index ); } else { var index = $tabs.tabs( "option", "active" ), length = $tabs.find( '.sm_tab' ).length; if ( jQuery( this ).parent().hasClass( 'sm_next_slide' ) ) { index = (index + 1) >= length ? 0 : index + 1; } else { index = index - 1 < 0 ? length - 1 : index - 1; } $tabs.tabs( "option", "active", index ); } } ); } ); } /* Message Box */ if ( $( '.sm_message_box' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm_message_box' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); $this.find( '.sm_message_box-close' ).click( function() { //$this.slideUp(); $this.fadeTo( 400, 0.2, function() { $this.fadeUp( 200 ); } ); return false; } ); } ) } /* Progress Bar */ $.fn.smProgressbar = function( option, value ) { $( this ).each( function() { var $progressbar = $(this); $progressbar.waypoint4( function() { var value = $progressbar.data( 'value' ); $progressbar.find( '.gauge' ).css( 'width', value + '%' ); $progressbar.find( '.value span' ).countTo( { from: 0, to: value, speed: 1500, refreshInterval: 30 } ); $progressbar.addClass( 'sm_ready' ); this.destroy(); }, { triggerOnce: true, offset: 'bottom-in-view' } ); } ); }; if ( $( '.sm-progressbar' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-progressbar:visible' ).smProgressbar(); } /* Counterbox */ $.fn.smCounterbox = function( option, value ) { $( this ).each( function() { var $counterbox = $(this); if ( $counterbox.hasClass( 'sm-style-flip' ) ) { var $counter = $counterbox.find( '.sm-flip-counter' ); var value = parseInt( $counter.data('value') ).toString(); var start_value = parseInt( '1' + Array( value.length ).join( '0' ) ); var flip_value = start_value; var interval = Math.round( ( value - start_value ) / 5 ); // count up in max 5 steps. var clock = new FlipClock($counter, start_value, { clockFace: 'Counter' } ); $counterbox.waypoint4( { handler: function() { var increase_handler = function() { if ( ( flip_value += interval ) >= value ) { flip_value = value; } else { setTimeout( increase_handler, 500 ); } clock.setValue( flip_value ); } setTimeout( increase_handler, 500 ); }, triggerOnce: true, offset: 'bottom-in-view' } ); } else { $counterbox.waypoint4( { handler: function() { var value = $counterbox.data( 'value' ); $counterbox.find( '.numeric-value' ).countTo( { from: 0, to: value, speed: 1000, refreshInterval: 30, formatter: sm_numberWithCommas } ); $counterbox.addClass( 'sm_ready' ); this.destroy(); }, triggerOnce: true, offset: 'bottom-in-view' } ); } } ); }; if ( $( '.sm-counterbox' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-counterbox:visible' ).smCounterbox(); } /* Pie Chart */ if ( $( '.sm_pie_chart:visible' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm_pie_chart:visible' ).smChart(); } /* Testimonials */ $.fn.smTestimonials = function( option, value ) { $( this ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var columns = 1; if ( $this.hasClass( 'sm-style3' ) ) columns = 2; $this.find( '.testimonials-wrap' ).carouFredSel( { items: { width: 768, visible: { min: 1, max: columns, } }, width: '100%', height: 'auto', responsive: true, circular: true, scroll: { items: 1, duration: 500, pauseOnHover: true }, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, pagination: { container: $this.find( '.ts-nav' ), anchorBuilder: function(nr, item) { return ''+nr+''; } }, auto: { play: true, timeoutDuration: 5000 } } ); }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ) } if ( $( '.sm-testimonials' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-testimonials' ).smTestimonials(); imagesLoaded( $( '.sm-testimonials' ), function() { $( '.sm-testimonials' ).smTestimonials(); } ); } /* Quotes Slider */ if ( $( '.sm-quotes-slider' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-quotes-slider' ).each( function() { $( this ).find( '.quotes-wrap' ).carouFredSel( { width: '100%', height: 'auto', responsive: true, circular: true, items: { visible: 1, width: 1170, }, scroll: { items: 1, duration: 500, pauseOnHover: true }, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, pagination: { container: $( this ).find( '.quotes-nav' ), anchorBuilder: function(nr, item) { return ''+nr+''; } }, auto: false }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ); } ) } /* Team Slider */ if ( $( '.sm-team-slider' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-team-slider' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var c_items = $this.data( 'items' ); var show_nav = $this.data( 'show-nav' ); var show_pg = $this.data( 'show-pg' ); $( this ).find( '.team-slider-carousel' ).carouFredSel( { auto: false, responsive: true, mousewheel: true, scroll: 1, prev: show_nav ? $this.find( '.prev' ) : null, next: show_nav ? $this.find( '.next' ) : null, pagination: show_pg? { container: $this.find( '.team-slider-pagination' ), anchorBuilder: function(nr, item) { return ' '; } } : null, width: '100%', swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, items: { height: 'auto', width: '360', visible: { min: 1, max: c_items } } }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ); } ) } /* Countdown */ if ( $( '.sm-countdown' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-countdown' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var mode = $this.hasClass( 'sm-style1' ) ? 'val' : 'text'; $this.ccountdown( $this.data( 'date' ), mode ); } ); $( '.sm-countdown.sm-style1 .element' ).knob({ draw : function () { var a = this.angle(this.cv) // Angle , sa = this.startAngle // Start angle , ea = sa + a // End angle , r = true , delta_deg = 6 , delta_rad = delta_deg / 180 * Math.PI; this.g.lineWidth = this.lineWidth; this.g.strokeStyle = r ? this.o.fgColor : this.fgColor ; var sa_deg = parseInt(sa / Math.PI * 180) % 360; var ea_deg = parseInt(ea / Math.PI * 180) % 360; var idx =0 ; if (ea_deg < sa_deg) ea_deg += 360; var ea_deg_round = Math.round(ea_deg / delta_deg) * delta_deg; for (var ta_deg = sa_deg; ta_deg <= ea_deg_round; ta_deg += delta_deg) { this.g.beginPath(); var ta_rad = ta_deg / 180 * Math.PI; this.g.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius, -( ta_rad - delta_rad / 4 ), -( ta_rad + delta_rad / 4 ), true); this.g.stroke(); } var rs_deg = ea_deg_round + delta_deg; for (var ta_deg = rs_deg; ta_deg < sa_deg + 360; ta_deg += delta_deg) { this.g.beginPath(); var ta_rad = ta_deg / 180 * Math.PI; this.g.strokeStyle = this.o.bgColor; this.g.arc(this.xy, this.xy, this.radius, -( ta_rad - delta_rad / 4) , -( ta_rad + delta_rad / 4 ), true); this.g.stroke(); } return false; } } ); } /* Image Slider */ $.fn.smImageSlider = function( option, value ) { $( '.sm-image-slider' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var autoplay = $this.data( 'autoplay' ); var slideshow = false; var slideshowSpeed = 7000; if ( typeof(autoplay) != "undefined" ) { slideshow = true; slideshowSpeed = autoplay * 1000; } if ( $this.hasClass( 'sm-type-thumb' ) ) { var columns = $this.data( 'columns' ); $this.find( '.sm-thumbs-carousel' ).flexslider({ animation: "slide", animationLoop: false, controlNav: false, slideshow: slideshow, slideshowSpeed: slideshowSpeed, itemWidth: 70, minItems: 1, maxItems: columns, asNavFor: $this.find( '.sm-preview-slider' ), start: function(slider) { $this.find( '.sm-thumbs-carousel' ).resize(); } } ); $this.find( '.sm-preview-slider' ).flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: false, animationLoop: true, slideshow: slideshow, slideshowSpeed: slideshowSpeed, touch: true, smoothHeight: true, sync: $this.find( '.sm-thumbs-carousel' ) } ); } else if ( $this.hasClass( 'sm-type-basic' ) ) { $this.find( '.sm-preview-slider' ).flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: true, animationLoop: true, slideshow: slideshow, slideshowSpeed: slideshowSpeed, touch: true, smoothHeight: true, } ); } } ) } if ( $( '.sm-image-slider' ).length > 0 ) { $.fn.smImageSlider(); } /* Timeline */ $.fn.smTimeline = function( option, value ) { $( this ).each( function() { var $sm_timeline = $( this ); var is_mobile_view = window.innerWidth < 768; $sm_timeline.find( '.timeline-element' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var $timeline_spine = $this.find( '.timeline-spine' ); if ( is_mobile_view ) { $this.addClass( 'wow fadeInUp' ); $timeline_spine.attr( 'style', '' ); } else { if ( $this.hasClass( 'left-side' ) ) { $this.find( '.animation-wrap' ).addClass( 'wow fadeInLeft' ); } else if ( $this.hasClass( 'right-side' ) ) { $this.find( '.animation-wrap' ).addClass( 'wow fadeInRight' ); } if ( $this.next().length == 0 ) return; var $next = $this.next(); var $next_tl_spine = $next.find( '.timeline-spine' ); if ( $next.hasClass( 'date-separator' ) ) { $timeline_spine.height( $next.offset().top - $timeline_spine.offset().top - 5 ); } else if ( $next_tl_spine.length ) { $timeline_spine.height( $next_tl_spine.offset().top - $timeline_spine.offset().top - 25 ); } } } ); } ); } if ( $( '.sm-timeline' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-timeline' ).smTimeline(); } /* Tweet Slider */ $.fn.smLatestTweets = function( option, value ) { $( '.sm-latest-tweet.sm-type1' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); $this.find( '.tweet-slider-wrap' ).carouFredSel( { width: '100%', height: 'auto', responsive: true, circular: true, items: { visible: 1, width: 1170, }, scroll: { items: 1, duration: 400, pauseOnHover: true }, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, pagination: { container: $( this ).find( '.tweet-pagination' ), anchorBuilder: function(nr, item) { return ' '; } }, auto: false }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ); } ); $( '.sm-latest-tweet.sm-type2' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); $this.find( '.tweet-slider-wrap' ).carouFredSel( { direction: 'up', width: 'auto', height: '100%', responsive: true, circular: true, items: { visible: 2, height: '50%', }, scroll: { items: 1, duration: 400, pauseOnHover: true, }, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, prev: $this.find( '.prev' ), next: $this.find( '.next' ), auto: false }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ); } ) } /* Parallax Layers */ parallaxLayers(); $.fn.extend( { mouseParallax: function(options) { var defaults = { moveFactor: 1.5, targetContainer: this }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each( function() { var o = options; var filter_str = '.image'; if ( o.targetContainer.hasClass( 'content_parallax' ) ) { filter_str += ', .parallax_layers_content_wrap'; } var layer_elements = $( o.targetContainer ).find( filter_str ); layer_elements.each( function( i ) { $(this).css( 'z-index', i ); } ); var mouseXStart; var mouseYStart; mouseXStart = $( o.targetContainer ).offset().left; mouseYStart = $( o.targetContainer ).offset().top; $( o.targetContainer ).on( 'mouseenter', function(e) { mouseXStart = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; mouseYStart = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top; } ); $( o.targetContainer ).on( 'mousemove', function( e ) { var mouseX0 = $(this).offset().left + mouseXStart; var mouseY0 = $(this).offset().top + mouseYStart; var mouseX = e.pageX - mouseX0; var mouseY = e.pageY - mouseY0; layer_elements.each( function(i) { $(this).css({ marginLeft : -mouseX / 100 * o.moveFactor*(i+1), marginTop : -mouseY / 100 * o.moveFactor*(i+1) }, 100 ); } ); } ); var config = { interval: 0, over: function() {}, timeout: 500, out: function() { layer_elements.each( function(i) { $(this).stop().animate({ marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0 },300); } ); } }; $( o.targetContainer ).hoverIntent(config); } ); } } ); function setParallaxLayersHeight( $this, $def_height) { var parallax_layers_height = $def_height; var responsive_breakpoint_set = [1600, 1300, 1000, 768, 567, 320]; var $window_width = $( window ).width(); if ( $window_width > responsive_breakpoint_set[0] ) { parallax_layers_height = $def_height; 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} else return; $wrap_inner.css( 'transition-duration', get_slide_duration( offset ) ); setTimeout(function() { $wrap_inner.removeClass( 'hover-image' ); }, 100); } ) } ); } $('.sm-progress-steps2').each( function() { var workflow = $(this); workflow.waypoint4( function() { var workflow_step = workflow.find('.workflow-step:first'); function workflow_animate() { if( typeof (workflow_step.attr('class')) !== "undefined" ) { workflow_step.removeClass('style-gray'); if( workflow_step.hasClass('right') ) { workflow_step.find('.workflow-content').addClass('slideInLeft animated'); } else { workflow_step.find('.workflow-content').addClass('slideInRight animated'); } workflow_step.find('.workflow-content').css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); workflow_step = workflow_step.next('.workflow-step'); setTimeout( workflow_animate, 600 ); } } workflow_animate(); }, { triggerOnce: true, offset: '70%' } ); } ); /* Image Magnifier */ if ( $( '.sm-magnify-wrapper' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.magnify-image' ).each( function() { $( this ).mlens({ imgSrc: $( this ).attr( 'data-big' ), lensShape: 'circle', lensSize: 180, borderSize: 4, borderColor: '#000000', borderRadius: 0 } ); } ); } function adjust_magnify_image() { $('.sm-magnify-wrapper').each( function() { var magnifyWidth = $( this ).width(); $( this ).find( '>div' ).css( { width: magnifyWidth } ); } ); } /* Section Icon Scroll */ if ( $( '.sm_section_icon.scroll-to-row' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm_section_icon.scroll-to-row' ).on( 'click', function() { var $row = $( this ).closest( '.wpb_row' ); var y_offset = $row.offset().top; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: y_offset }, 500); } ) } /* Pageable Container */ if ( $( '.sm-pageable-container' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-pageable-container' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var autoplay = $this.data( 'interval' ); if ( autoplay == 0 ) { autoplay *= 1000; } else { autoplay = false; } $.fn.swipe.defaults.excludedElements = "button, input, select, textarea"; $this.find( 'ul.sm_tabs_nav' ).carouFredSel( { auto: autoplay, responsive: true, mousewheel: true, scroll: 1, circular: false, infinite: false, prev: $this.find( '.arrow-controls .prev' ), next: $this.find( '.arrow-controls .next' ), pagination: null, swipe: { onMouse: true, onTouch: true }, width: '100%', items: { width: 200, height: 'auto', visible: { min: 1, max: 6 } } }, { onWindowResize: 'debounce' } ); } ); } // Resize Process function sliderResize() { $( '.sm-image-carousel.sm-ready ul, .testimonials-wrap, .quotes-wrap' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var $children = $this.children(); var max_height = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < $children.length; i ++ ) { max_height = Math.max( max_height, $( $children[i] ).outerHeight() ); } $this.parent().add( $this ).height( max_height + 1 ); } ); } setTimeout( function() { sliderResize(); }, 300 ); $( window ).on( 'resize', function() { setTimeout( function() { $( window ).trigger( 'sm-resize' ); }, 200 ); } ); $( window ).on( 'sm-resize', function() { if ( $( '.sm-timeline' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-timeline' ).smTimeline(); } adjust_magnify_image(); sliderResize(); $.fn.smEqualColumnHeight(); // should be called before stretching container $( 'body' ).smAdjustStretchingContainer(); } ); // Contact Form 7 Response handler. $( document ).on( 'mailsent.wpcf7 invalid.wpcf7 spam.wpcf7 mailfailed.wpcf7', function() { setTimeout( function() { $( '.wpcf7-response-output' ).fadeUp(); }, 5000 ); } ); } ); $( window ).on( 'load', function() { /* Tweet Slider */ if ( $( '.sm-latest-tweet' ).length > 0 ) { $.fn.smLatestTweets(); } if ( $( '.sm-image-carousel' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.sm-image-carousel' ).smImageCarousel(); } } ); } )( jQuery, window );